Twenty8 of November

We are a Family owned business specialized in Custom Furniture, Home Decor, and Laser Engraving. A husband and wife duo where Maria brings her interior design expertise and Richard is the craftsman behind the builds. Creating an experience that makes every families House feel like a Home.


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Help A Family!!

Dining Table Giveaway

The Dining room table is the heart beat of the family. From the stories shared on thangsgiving to the meals passed around daily. So many memorable moments happen around this piece of furniture.

That's why every year we giveaway tables to families to Reclaim their family back, to create a uniting tradition to keep family strong and together.

We've partner with great non profit organizations to help those who need it most. If you want to support the cause, we would greatly appreciate your donations, and would love for you to join our family of supporters.

"Everything should be done in love."

1 Corinthians 16:14

Get Involved


Are you a business owner and would like to wholesale some of our products? Lets chat we would Love to work with you!

Lets Chat!!
  • Haven Local

    Find some of our products at Haven Local located in Winter Haven FL.

  • East of These

    Just one of the many items we've partnered with East of These from Lakeland FL. to launch their new collections.

  • Wholesaling

    Reach out to us directly if you're interested in wholesaling items and pricing, we will be more than happy to assist you.